Mood & Food

The Allure of Processed Food

What not to eat.

High sugar, high fat foods interact with the reward system in the brain releasing a dopamine hit after they’ve been consumed. Dopamine is a feel-good neurotransmitter, making you feel good even though the food proving that hit is lacking nutritionally. This artificial dopamine stimulation can lead to excessive food cravings and, ultimately, food addiction

Added to this is the effect of something called the ‘Bliss Point’. This is where we find just the right balance of the three main components our bodies crave. Fat, salt and sugar were key to survival in prehistoric times, so it is only natural that the human body continues to seek out these three components. However, these days processed food manufacturers pay a lot of money to research the point (bliss point) at which consumers of their product cannot stop eating it. They want you to become so connected (addicted) to their product that you buy more and more.