The Medication legislation (1968) regulates the types of medicines which must be prescribed, sold under advice by a pharmacist, or sold off the shelf.
The Misuse of Drugs legislation (1971) regulates controlled substances (substances liable to be abused). It exercises control by ensuring prescriptions are only given under certain circumstances, and quantities are restricted.
The Health & Safety at Work legislation (1974) dictates employers' duty to maintain a safe working environment and provide training. It states that any medication you might handle needs clear guidance about your exposure to it as a worker.
The Food Safety Act (1990).
Provisions and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER - 1998) states that anyone responsible for work equipment should ensure that it is suitable for the job, well maintained, inspected regularly and only operated by well-informed and trained staff.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH - 1999) states that all substances must be risk assessed and some may not be suitable for use by home care workers.
The Management of Health and Safety Regulations legislation (1999) states that workplaces should have a procedure in place for recording, reporting and evaluating all serious incidents.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR - 2013) places duties on responsible persons working on the premises to report specific workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specific dangerous occurrences or near misses to their local Health and Safety Executive.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - 2016) regulates the use of this information (‘data’) to balance the individual’s right to confidentiality and an organisation’s need to use it.